159 - Day 16 of 21-Day Breathing Challenge: The Lover's Illusion

Relationships, as they currently exists - fueled by the Mind - are a trap that keep people stuck in a bubble of bliss without any awareness of reality. I know it's easy to 'fall' into this experience of joy where we think the whole world is now complete as 'we' have found something 'worth living for' - yet within this we do not have a clue - not an ounce - of what we are actually doing. While we are stuck in the love illusion - this world continues on without any consideration from humanity - no one sees the starving child, no one sees the raped women, no one cares about the homeless man, no one gives a shit about the brutality of this world - because we are all too busy being selfish in our desires for "love". Love does not exist - we prove it everyday by our inability to change a system that cause so much suffering.

Relationships - especially the 'new ones' - are quite specific in keeping one busy in their minds about 'what ifs' and imaginations and fantasies - I wonder why the media and entertainment and this whole consumer system would be so aggressively pushing love, sex and relationships? Hmm.. perhaps to keep people running on their wheel trying to get that next feeling of 'falling in love' - such a trap, an absolute, actual FALL because we Fail to see ALL that is here, as our World. While we see only one other person, focused in and blocking everything else out, or our relationship and how wonderful that is - maybe we need to STOP and take a look around at this world and see for REAL what is going on. This world is NOT getting any better and there is no one, not one being that will save humanity from the consequences we create. WE must BE the CHANGE.

Pop the Bubble of Bliss and stop the lover's illusion and dare to walk IN/AS/WITH reality - getting back to the reality that is real, here, as this physical reality and taking care of and keeping in mind what matters - Physical Matter.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to trap myself in the illusions of love

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to become distracted by the illusion of love

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be blind by the illusion of love

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that love is an energy I create through my participation within/as my mind as the picture presentation of desires and wants, fueled by fear and self interest

I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to believe love exists in this world

I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to never question why so many seek love more than anything in this world in the face of starving children, war, poverty and destruction

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to never question how love as it now exists, could be a solution to this world, instead of realizing this world is not getting any better depsite the millions who claim "love" is the way

I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to exist within tunnel vision in only seeing love in the form of a relationship with another

I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to distract myself within the ideas of love in my mind, separating myself from my-self HERE in/as my physical reality and what is requiring my direction, attention and care

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to become an island of ignorance in my desire for love

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to limit the word love to be only within a sexual relationship as a partnership with another

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe love exists between two people and not ALL LIFE HERE instead of realizing that is does not exist as all life here because I have accepted and allowed myself to create it in separation of myself as life wherein I have defined it to be within the limitation of sex and relationship with another, formed and founded by energy produced through the mind as thinking and projections and imaginations - never questioning the validity of such a belief of what 'love' is and how to make ti practically real in this world, equal for all

I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to abuse others as ignoring this reality and those that suffer for my search for Love - how evoL

I forgive myself that I have never allowed myself to realize that LOVE, as it exists in this world is actually EVOL

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fall for the evol-ness of love in this world as it now exists - in consuming the feeling to perpetuate this consumer world where we just consume and feed of each other and pay no attention to the rest of Humanity; all locked up in their minds as a picture of what love is and the eternal chase for the feelings it produce - not realizing it is a chemical reaction as a program switch, designed to ignite the ultimate distraction, feeling good in the face of the physical matter that suffers

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, throughout my life, never question and always accept what is here as Love, as it is portrayed in music, movies and even porn - wherein we have defined love to be something that exists between only two people, bonded and designed to uplift one to the ultimate experience of 'life', the organism in it's search for orgasm - not realizing that the real life here is without such an experience as the fight for survival is the reality of this world

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to enver realize that love in this world is the mask for the humans inheret desire for sex

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to limit love to be that within an internation with another that can only exists as such, instead of asking - how can love be made real for all - not limited to an expression that does not stand with the ability to see and support all life equally

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to accept a life purpose of searching for love as defined to be within sex and relationships

I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to support the love that currently exists in this world as a way to drug myself into submission of a system that abuse all life equally and never stop myself to say till here no futher, I will no longer seek my self interested need for love while this world requires caretaker willing to actually love for real

I commit myself to bring about Love Equally for All as an Equal Money System, founded in the principle of what is Best for All

I commit myself to expose what Love has become in this World - a drug to keep the human complacent and not willing to see REALITY

I commit myself to support myself in learning and living a real expression of Love, that is here, in this physical reality, walking a process of bringing self to self love and in this sharing it with all equally in realizing that Love should not be exclusive, but instead a living manifestation of giving to our neighbors what we would like to receive - LIFE

I commit myself to stop the illusions of Love in/as my mind

I commit myself to getting back to reality and out of the trip of Love that I accepted myself to take

I commit myself to redefining love to be an expression I can live in each moment I have here, as each breath, considering all as my equals and what is necessary to be done in this one life I have

I commit myself to no longer accepting love to be limited within a partnership and sex - I commit myself to expose how love has been used to abuse each other and all life equally

I commit myself to getting real in realizing that if I am not here, but in my mind, on a high of my own design, then I am not loving life, as I am not living here, instead I am in separation as my own creation of a bubble that will eventually have to pop and so I commit myself to pop the blissful bubble of Love and shatter the illusion I have seen it as and instead walk my process of self honesty, self forgiveness and self integrity - pushing and committing myself to Realizing and Living what is Means to be Love as Life for Real

Featured Artwork By: Kelly Posey, Rozelle de Lange and other Desteni Artists

The Journey to Lifers

Take Responsibility for what is HERE as this world, within AND without:
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