143 - 21 Day Breathing Challenge
When I first heard about the 21 day breathing challenge, it was when I first started looking into Desteni and all that is shares and there was resistance because I saw it as this huge task that I must walk completely and perfected and if I 'fall', meaning if I allow myself to wander into my mind and not be aware/be the breath, then I would have to start over the 21 days and to me, lol - I saw I would be applying for the rest of my life. However, as I was going through my DIP lite lesson, I came to lesson 3 which goes into the 4-count breathing application as well as shares a video interview on the new 21-day breathing challenge. To me this is perfect timing, as I am now stable in writing my journey to life blogs, I have committed myself to this journey inward as getting to know myself, redefining my self-relationship to be that of self-agreement and so see this as cool support to move forward from. As with this 21-day breathing challenge, I am placing myself in a position to become more self aware of who I am, to really push myself to breathe and in this will be the assistance of seeing just how much my mind moves and distracts me from what is necessary to be done, or what thoughts come up that direct me into a specific experience or what characters/personalities I go into depending on where I am or who I'm with. So I can see this is a very cool point for me to walk, in getting intimate with myself, as seeing in-to-me in what is actually behind the scene as far as 'what' is moving me, as I realize it's not always 'me' as the breath of life, but is the 'me' as the self defined ego that lives in an imaginary world without consideration of actual physical reality.
There is some resistance to making this commitment to myself, as I fear having to become responsible in this application of 21 days of breathing, because I know this requires change, self direction and in that responsibility of seeing change, applying the actual correction of changing. So it's one thing to 'see' what one is doing, and from what starting point, yet it's a whole other story to actually dismantle the point and reconstruct it into being that which is best for all/self. I suppose there are some ideas I have about this 21 days being 'hard' and that it will be difficult for me because I can see this little voice in the back of my head screaming - "No - I don't want to change!"
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist changing myself
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear changing myself
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define changing myself as hard
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being self responsible as seeing who I am within/as my mind and making the necessary changes/corrections in order to change who I am and how I live
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not want to change myself in becoming aware of who I am in each moment as my mind because I believe it is hard and will be difficult
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to trust the voice in my head that says change is hard and I don't want to change instead of realizing that it is what I make of it and to change my nature is to go against the very acceptance of who I am and as such I have created myself to 'be' a certain/specific way and also walls that keep my "in line" as to not change and so there will be resistance to anything that will challenge my nature, yet realizing it is possible and so I commit myself to walk the journey of self change as I see/realize/understand that who I am is not best for all/self as it is of/as the starting point of self interest
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear changing myself as fearing the journey will be difficult
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to realize that to fear change is only perpetuating who I am within/as fear and so does not actually support me in this world in how I live
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe it is easier to stay the same than it is to change instead of realizing the damage I do as I see/realize/understand that the 'me' I want to not change is the 'me' of self interest and thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to hold onto my self interest instead of living the principles of equality and oneness as standing here in/as the physical with/as my breath in considering what is best for ALL life in/as each moment, and not just my own
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place my self interest above what is best for all
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist the 21 day breathing challenge as I see the responsibility I must walk in order to support myself through the process and within this realize/see/understand that to see what is required to be changed will take the response-ability/willingness to than actually change and so seeing I don't want to actually make the changes and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear making the changes in/as myself in/as my life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear challenges
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I am not strong enough to face challenges
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe challenges are more than me and I should just not even try, instead of realizing the purpose of such a challenge is to push myself to become more than what I have accepted of myself and so I commit myself to face/walk the challenge of 21 days of breathing in order to support myself within my process of self dis-covery and self change
I commit myself to walk the 21-day breathing challenge as a process of self support as self intimacy to really come back to myself in grounding myself in/as the physical, equal to and one with/as my physical body, to really become aware of who I am in each moment of each day and to see the changes required to be made in my thinking, in my words and in my deeds; to go from a reactive robot that feeds off of polarity judgment as positive/negative and instead stands stable, quite, here as the constant giving and receiving that is the breath of life; actively participating in the reality of life, as all that is here.
I commit myself to push myself to bring myself back to my breath in the next 21 days as a way to support myself in really slowing myself down; to see what moves within me/as me to see 'where I am' within myself in each moment and to support myself in seeing what 'moves me' as the external/internal triggers that I allow to 'set me off' into the various dimensions within my mind.
I commit myself to walk the 21 day breathing challenge with myself as gentleness and patience in not expecting perfection but to realize this is a process I walk to support myself in getting a grip on myself to no longer be thrown around as my mind into various thought patterns and memories and distracting myself from what is here and real as this physical reality and instead use it as a support system to slow down, see myself, take responsibility for myself and what is necessary to be changed within myself
I commit myself to writing about my 21 day breathing challenge as the Journey to Life Blogs to support myself in sorting out that which I do see within me, to investigate my daily experiences and remove that which is/of self interest with self forgiveness, and self corrective statements
Here is the video interview as support for those that dare to embark on the challenge themselves:
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