Day 117 - Self Honesty in Self Education
A point here of self judgment for not having acquired enough knowledge and information about how our world works and then feeling inadequate in communicating and sharing with others about our world.. yet behind this is a starting point of self interest in wanting to portray an image and likeness that others will define as "smart" and "good" and "knowledgeable"
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself within not having acquired enough knowledge and information about how our world and it’s systems functions
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself within the negative polarity of not being “smart enough” as defining not knowing facts and specific knowledge and information about our world and the functioning of the systems instead of realizing that knowledge and information is useless without practical application, in other words, I could know the ins and out of our entire world and this physical reality - yet it's who I am within that and what I do with the knowledge and information, and thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire having knowledge and information about our world so as to feed my ego and desire of being “smart” so others will perceive me as being knowledgeable and thus look up to me, instead of educating myself about our world and it’s functions to be able to find solutions that are best for all. I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to instead use our world as a means for self interest which is clearly the product of our world and only perpetuates the self interest reign on earth
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, instead of finding solutions within the acquired knowledge and information to really have an understanding about our world, to instead judge myself as not being ‘smart enough’ instead of realizing the waste of time this is, as I am able to stop the judgments and apply the corrective application of taking time in my life to watch the vast amount of documentaries and read articles and overall support myself within self-education about our world systems to be able to see and realize what is going on to then be able to find livable solutions for all
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as not being capable enough to understand our world and how it functions instead of stopping the limitation as not simply taking responsibility for actually educating myself and no longer giving myself excuses to stay within the programming of my mind wherein I believe I am not smart enough to understand or comprehend the magnitude of what is required to be corrected on earth
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to value my ego of wanting to “be smart” in the face of others within the knowledge and information of this world, instead of valuing myself as life, as an equal responsible participant in our world that can in fact create change and so realizing the solution is to acquire the knowledge and information about our world to be able to understand it and thus align it to be what is best for all, instead of using it for my ego’s purposes of competition with others and attempting to be ‘more than’ myself within the self judgments I have and the image in my mind of myself that I am attempting to create and live up to
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have always existed for the purposes of my mind, to serve my self interest and my ego in wanting to do things as a way to get a reward as either winning, or being seen as superior or getting a positive feeling/feedback within my life, instead of simply living principles that would create and manifest a human being that actually cares, that considers this physical reality and what is best for all
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist educating myself within learning about our world and what is going on and how it functions and why it functions the way it does, as I realize the responsibility within myself to see/realize/understand what is here to be able to then stand equal to and one with it as a way to direct it into solutions that is best for all on this earth and so I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to stand responsible for myself, within and as this world to learn about what is actually going on within our physical reality as facing what is here to be able to thus correct it and no longer accept and allow abdication of responsibility to creation ever again
When and as I see myself attempting to learn about our world within the starting point of self interest desire to perpetuate the self image I display for others through communication, I stop and I breathe and I bring myself back to the awareness that this is unacceptable and only supports what this world already represents as I see/realize/understand that knowledge and information is useless without application and thus I commit myself to stop using knowledge and information about our world to support my ego of separation and self interest and to instead apply it within my life to really understand what is here as our world to then in turn find solutions that are best for all and so I commit myself to apply the knowledge and information I find in this world to better prepare myself to correct not only myself but our world into the creation of what is best for all
When and as I see myself valuing the self definitions of myself that I desire others to validate and get positive feedback from, I stop and I breathe and bring self back to self responsibility in no longer valuing my ego as self interest more than me here as life, as my physical body, as my physical breathing and stop perpetuating the value system in this world through stopping it in me as I see/realize/understand that self interest dominates this world and is allowed because I have allowed it within me and so I commit myself to value me as life here and not as my mind as self interest in the need to validate myself as the image and likeness I have created as a means to survive in the world of competition and instead educate myself about how this world is as I see/realize/understand that it is a mirror reflection of who I am and so I walk an equal and one process of investigating within and without; who I am within and what this world is without and find solutions to stop the separation and abuse of self interest and instead live and apply tools that support me to become an effective human being in this world that truly cares and creates a world that is best for all
I commit myself to investigating our world, through news and documentaries and personal studies as taking responsibility for my participation and existence here, to not waste this one life I have, but to really discover what is here as existence to thus be able to align into within and as the principles of equality and oneness as what is best for all
I commit myself to investigating myself within the Journey to Life, realizing that what this world is is directly reflecting who I am and all that I accept and allow within myself and so I commit myself to daily writing, self forgiveness, self corrective application, breathing, self honesty, common sense as to take responsibility for myself here as an equal participant in this world and to no longer allow within or without the abuse and self interest that is currently manifested in our world.

Featured Artwork By: Anna Brix Thomsen
Journey to Lifers
Take Responsibility for what is HERE as this world, within AND without:
Equal Money
DIP Lite Course (FREE)
Eqafe (Self Perfection music, books, audio, etc)
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself within not having acquired enough knowledge and information about how our world and it’s systems functions
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself within the negative polarity of not being “smart enough” as defining not knowing facts and specific knowledge and information about our world and the functioning of the systems instead of realizing that knowledge and information is useless without practical application, in other words, I could know the ins and out of our entire world and this physical reality - yet it's who I am within that and what I do with the knowledge and information, and thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire having knowledge and information about our world so as to feed my ego and desire of being “smart” so others will perceive me as being knowledgeable and thus look up to me, instead of educating myself about our world and it’s functions to be able to find solutions that are best for all. I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to instead use our world as a means for self interest which is clearly the product of our world and only perpetuates the self interest reign on earth
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to, instead of finding solutions within the acquired knowledge and information to really have an understanding about our world, to instead judge myself as not being ‘smart enough’ instead of realizing the waste of time this is, as I am able to stop the judgments and apply the corrective application of taking time in my life to watch the vast amount of documentaries and read articles and overall support myself within self-education about our world systems to be able to see and realize what is going on to then be able to find livable solutions for all
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as not being capable enough to understand our world and how it functions instead of stopping the limitation as not simply taking responsibility for actually educating myself and no longer giving myself excuses to stay within the programming of my mind wherein I believe I am not smart enough to understand or comprehend the magnitude of what is required to be corrected on earth
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to value my ego of wanting to “be smart” in the face of others within the knowledge and information of this world, instead of valuing myself as life, as an equal responsible participant in our world that can in fact create change and so realizing the solution is to acquire the knowledge and information about our world to be able to understand it and thus align it to be what is best for all, instead of using it for my ego’s purposes of competition with others and attempting to be ‘more than’ myself within the self judgments I have and the image in my mind of myself that I am attempting to create and live up to
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have always existed for the purposes of my mind, to serve my self interest and my ego in wanting to do things as a way to get a reward as either winning, or being seen as superior or getting a positive feeling/feedback within my life, instead of simply living principles that would create and manifest a human being that actually cares, that considers this physical reality and what is best for all
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist educating myself within learning about our world and what is going on and how it functions and why it functions the way it does, as I realize the responsibility within myself to see/realize/understand what is here to be able to then stand equal to and one with it as a way to direct it into solutions that is best for all on this earth and so I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to stand responsible for myself, within and as this world to learn about what is actually going on within our physical reality as facing what is here to be able to thus correct it and no longer accept and allow abdication of responsibility to creation ever again
When and as I see myself attempting to learn about our world within the starting point of self interest desire to perpetuate the self image I display for others through communication, I stop and I breathe and I bring myself back to the awareness that this is unacceptable and only supports what this world already represents as I see/realize/understand that knowledge and information is useless without application and thus I commit myself to stop using knowledge and information about our world to support my ego of separation and self interest and to instead apply it within my life to really understand what is here as our world to then in turn find solutions that are best for all and so I commit myself to apply the knowledge and information I find in this world to better prepare myself to correct not only myself but our world into the creation of what is best for all
When and as I see myself valuing the self definitions of myself that I desire others to validate and get positive feedback from, I stop and I breathe and bring self back to self responsibility in no longer valuing my ego as self interest more than me here as life, as my physical body, as my physical breathing and stop perpetuating the value system in this world through stopping it in me as I see/realize/understand that self interest dominates this world and is allowed because I have allowed it within me and so I commit myself to value me as life here and not as my mind as self interest in the need to validate myself as the image and likeness I have created as a means to survive in the world of competition and instead educate myself about how this world is as I see/realize/understand that it is a mirror reflection of who I am and so I walk an equal and one process of investigating within and without; who I am within and what this world is without and find solutions to stop the separation and abuse of self interest and instead live and apply tools that support me to become an effective human being in this world that truly cares and creates a world that is best for all
I commit myself to investigating our world, through news and documentaries and personal studies as taking responsibility for my participation and existence here, to not waste this one life I have, but to really discover what is here as existence to thus be able to align into within and as the principles of equality and oneness as what is best for all
I commit myself to investigating myself within the Journey to Life, realizing that what this world is is directly reflecting who I am and all that I accept and allow within myself and so I commit myself to daily writing, self forgiveness, self corrective application, breathing, self honesty, common sense as to take responsibility for myself here as an equal participant in this world and to no longer allow within or without the abuse and self interest that is currently manifested in our world.

Featured Artwork By: Anna Brix Thomsen
Journey to Lifers
Take Responsibility for what is HERE as this world, within AND without:
Equal Money
DIP Lite Course (FREE)
Eqafe (Self Perfection music, books, audio, etc)
Cool Kristina - I can relate - thanks for writing this out.
ReplyDeleteCool - thanks for the feedback Lindsay!