Day 97- Words Are Our Creation

Weird – negative energy charge – something that is odd and different from ‘normal’ and negative in general. Like something “out of place” or “not in line” or something strange and unusual. So this is how I define myself? Why? I have always had this experience growing up of fear of people thinking, “I’m weird” and I have had some say that too me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word ‘weird’ in separation of myself here through placing a negative energy charge within it – defining it as ‘bad’ and ‘negative’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word weird in separation in accepting to be of a polarity as ‘not good/positive’ and so ‘bad/negative’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word weird as being something that is unusually and thus negative and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define something that is unusually as being negative

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define the word weird as being something ‘out of place’ or ‘out of the norm’ within the ‘accepted norm’ of society that presents safety in validation and ‘going along with the crowd’ and so within this fearing of being ‘weird’ as I have defined it as being ‘bad, and not like others, as unusually and out of place’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define being different from others or being ‘out of line’ in not following the accepted nature of our societies as being bad – instead of realizing going against the preprogram nature of ourselves – radically changing the realization and the living statement and actions of who we are in this world is what is required to change this world into a place of actual worth, real love and true living

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to fear being an outcast by society through how I have defined the word weird to be ‘bad/negative’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect the word ‘weird’ to the memory of other’s judgments towards something as being ‘weird’ with their facial expressions portraying disgust and so within this imprint this memory into myself and thus associate the word ‘weird’ to others peoples judgments and disgust and thus fear being the subject of others judgments and disgust of being ‘weird’ I delete this memory

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being judged by others as being ‘weird’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as being ‘weird’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the word weird through judging it as something bad – instead of realizing it is just a word with a definition that does not require a positive or negative judgment/polarity – it is simply a word

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept and allow without question the definition of the word weird to be that of my family and friends and society and CULTures – instead of defining it for myself, as myself, within the consideration of equality and oneness and not in separation as polarity of either ‘good/bad’, ‘positive/negative’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear my own self created definition of the word weird through defining it as something ‘negative/bad’

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to express myself within who I really am as the expression of myself as life, without polarity, but of and as equality and oneness, as the true definition of weird being that which is unlike something else – it is different, but not from the perspective of being ‘bad’ – simply a different way to express itself – perhaps even original, real individuality and so within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ‘fall in line’ with how this society exists in defining the word weird as something ‘bad/negative’ and within this fear it, and resist it and attempt in any way that I can to ‘be like others’ so that I am not deemed ‘different’ and thus am somehow safe from others ridicule; thus revealing individuality does not actually exists – as we are all attempting to be a like in fear of each other, in fear of our judgments towards each other and thus limited and enslaved the definitions we give to words that keep us ‘in line’ and ‘following the rules’ so that we do not dare question or actually live solutions to create a world that is in fact best for all

When and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to define words in separation of myself here, within a polarity charge of positive or negative – I stop and I breathe and I bring myself back to the realization that words are not ‘positive or negative’ they are simply words and only through our definitions do we create our experiences of them and thus I commit myself to redefining the words as myself here – in absolute equality and oneness, as an expression of what is best for all through realizing that to define words within polarity is to cast judgment and then I am forever enslaving myself to the fear of being judged as I have judged myself

I commit myself to redefine myself as the living word – living words here as me without memories and associations and reactions and judgments and fear as these are all separation and creating an illusion as words are simply words and thus I define words within the consideration of equality and oneness – what is best for all

I commit myself to investigate how I define words and clear that which is of separation

I commit myself to stop fearing the self created experiences and relationships I have to/towards words through how I define them

I commit myself to realize I am not enslaved to the definitions of words that is accepted and allowed within and as this world

I commit myself to investigate and question this world as it currently functions – in all it’s facets to determine for myself and without influence and other’s acceptances, what is and what is not best for all

I commit myself to no longer allow myself to exist within polarity as the mind as judgments and definitions and perception and beliefs and ideas and assumptions and knowledge and information

I commit myself to writing daily, self honesty, self forgiveness, self corrective/commitment statements to redefine myself as this existence to once and for all take responsibility for the life that is here and create it into life that is actually best for all and no longer of separation/polarity/energy/fear

So after applying the above self forgivness for my own definitions of the word 'weird' - I went and looked up the actual definition:

involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny: a weird sound; weird lights.

fantastic; bizarre: a weird getup.

Archaic. concerned with or controlling fate or destiny.

Interesting how what the word is defined as can be so very different from how we accept and define a word - proof we are programmed to exist in relation to our world and all it exists of throughout our lives and experiences. We use memories and other people and knowledge and information to formulate our own perception of them without considering the actual reality of it or what we are actually creating within it.

Featured Artwork By: Damian Ledesma


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