665: Wanting Another to "Come Clean"

Here I share self-forgiveness in relation to a reaction I had towards another where I assumed to know they were not coming from the "right" starting point... assuming they were "not clear" in where they were coming from and wanting them to "come clean" as a point of being self-honest about what they were accepting and allowing.... The QUESTion: Where is My Starting Point? I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assume to think where another person is coming from I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assume to know where another person is coming from when they say something, and to react to what they say and want them to 'come clean' about where they were coming from instead of realizing I was coming from a specific place... from the past where I based who a person was in their past on who they are now - ASSuming they have not changed I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assume...