579: "Thanks for Sharing!"

I've seen this statement all over the internet - especially within the community in which I watch a lot of vlogs and read a lot of blogs. Often times someone replies only saying "Thanks for Sharing". And while it does seem like a simple statement - which I've had my judgments towards, as I 'thought' it was lacking any real feedback, I realized it is actually perfect. When I read a blog from someone in the Desteni community, or watch one of their videos, my life is always enriched. I learn something from their sharing - something they faced and walked, something they realized, or even just their perspective on some topic... it adds value to my life as it contributes to my process, my understanding and my view of my own life. So while sometimes in the past I've had reactions to this response, "thanks for sharing", I can see how specific it is because sharing is caring and I am thankful for those that share. When you share yourself within a...