463: Thinking About it Only Gets you So Far...

Continuing from the previous blogs , the following are forgiveness statements, and corrections to be made when I see I am existing more in my mind, rather than in physical action to produce the change I would like to see. Practically assessing what it takes to make things happen, and putting the mind in it's proper place. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see change within my mind , as something that happens instantaneous, instead of practically assessing what it takes to create change, what physical actions are required, and the effort along with it I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to throughout my life, think more about doing something, or changing something, rather than actually, physically doing it – within this, missing the key element of practical assessment in seeing what in real time I must do – the physical actions required to create or change that which I would like I forgive myself that I have accepted and all...