398: Automatic Assumptions

Some self-forgiveness here for the instant judgments and assumptions I see myself think up in my mind when meeting new people, and how this actually reveals more of who I am as the relationship with myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define a person the moment I meet them and to assume to know who they are, and to from that, decide whether it’s worth it or not for me to get to know them and if it’s not, make no attempt to get to know who they are as communicating with them – in this actually resisting them

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist others based on how I define them in the first moment of meeting them – to already decide I know who they are and how they live and what kind of life they've had and whether or not I want to get to know them, within this doing exactly to others what I fear others will do to me – assume to know me before making an attempt of getting to know me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define a person based on the clothes they wear, or how they speak, or the color of their skin – to size them up in one moment as whether or not I will get along with them, or whether I have any interest in getting to know them… and for most people, decide it’s not worth it

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assume to know who people are based on their physical presentation of themselves

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to allow a resistance to others based on how I’ve come to define them in the first moments of meeting them and not realizing that I fear others doing this to me, and that I would not like others to do this to me and so to not give as I would like to receive as the time and energy in actually speaking to another, getting to know them and learn about who they are and what kind of life they have lived

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge others based on their looks, and what they wear and the color of their skin and to within this, assume to know who they are and make a judgment as whether or not they are worth it for me to talk to, within this – constantly placing judgments on others based on a value system formulated through a society that is not my own and so not actually me making the decision myself about who I will or will not interact with, but instead me enslaving myself to a value system and a thought construct that sees and limits others to being only what they look like as the first impression

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that resistances towards certain people indicate a confinement I've created within myself as my own mind that I would not dare move beyond as it’s outside of my programmed mind as ‘who’ I would like to interact with… and not realizing that the resistance indicate the point I must move through as breaking down the mental construct that exist only in judging others and keeping me from seeing life rather than just a personality I think I would like to get to know or not

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not give others the benefit of the doubt in terms of giving others what I would like to receive as the time and energy of communicating and actually getting to know who a person is rather than assuming to know who they are and whether or not they are ‘worth it’ to get to know simply based on first impressions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define some people as worthy and others as not, as actually removing the worth and value of ALL life that exists equally in all, as being a physical, breathing being – and so actually judging the equality that is here and making some more or less than others – separating others into categories that supports the current hierarchy of the world where some have money and others don’t and where we thus define those with money to be of more worth than those without

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think and believe that my judgments towards others in a moment has any real validity instead of seeing them as purely a mental projection of myself – indicating again that I am not even really seeing another, but only a reflection of myself which reveals a relationship with ME that is not standing in equality and oneness, but rather separated into a value system where I am placed as either being of worth or not, and either better than others or not – placing myself in a position of either empowered or dis-empowered in relation to myself, to my surroundings and to others… not realizing that I am simply here, I am life, and so I am equal to and one with the potential life is… which exists in each person I meet

I forgive myself that I have not yet allowed myself to live and express myself as life as who I really am, as actually recognizing myself as an equal part of life and so since I Have not yet been able to see that in myself, of course I cannot yet see that in others and so I forgive myself that I Have not yet allowed myself to establish myself as life and so giving myself the opportunity to seeing that in me as well as others

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to automatically judge people within my mind as who I think they are without ever really investigating for myself whether I am right or not

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist as a judgment towards others, as a judgment towards life, as  judgment towards the minds and the personalities and the characters I see in others, realizing here that I am thus till judging myself as my own mind, my own characters and my own personalities without having any real change as I realize that if I were to stop judging myself and instead forgiving myself, then I would forgive others and not judge others as I exist towards others as how I exist towards myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the mutliple ways in which others support me to see me, to see myself and who I am and what I like and dislike about myself as I see, realize, and understand that what I see, like and dislike in others is actually within me as well as how I treat, judge and interact with others is how I treat, judge and interact with myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create an automatic point within myself to be that of assuming to know who others are based on how they look, what they wear, and how they speak - judging purely based on what I see externally of others rather than taking the time to get to know them for real and understand where they've come from, and to hear what kind of life they've lived and getting an actual glimpse into why they are the way that they are

When and as I see myself automatically assuming and judging others when I first meet them as thinking I know who they are, yet it being based only on an external presentation of them, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand there is much more to the story that I am not allowing myself to see or hear and instead existing in the mind as the judgments and assumptions I've accepted to be a nature of me in relation to others. I also see, realize, and understand that this is what i fear others do to me and would instead want others to take the time to get to know me before jumping to conclusions about me and so I commit myself to give others as I would like to receive as giving them the benefit of the doubt... giving them the time and energy to get to know them, to actually speak to them, to hear what they have to say as allowing myself to exist within understanding rather than instant assumptions

I commit myself to change the way I treat, judge and interact with myself as letting go of the judgments towards me as who I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become as a mind, as personality, as characters that only sees and serves myself and instead ground myself into physical reality where life is interconnected and of equal value and worth

I commit myself to start seeing others as myself so to ensure I am never blaming, focusing or pointing the finger elsewhere and instead SEEING me as what others reflect to me as indicating in how I relate, react and exist with others.

Featured Artwork By: Marlen Vargas Del Razo

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