288: Stopping the Napping Distraction
Continuing with the Napping Distractions and some words to support myself to correct/change the pattern and relationship I've created towards it
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to create a relationship towards sleeping/napping that is a point of distraction within my life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use napping within a starting point of self interest and not as physical support as rest for my physical body when/as it's required
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to use sleeping/napping as a way in which to avoid, hide out, run away and essentially, not take responsibility for myself in this Life and in this World and simply, each of my days
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to use sleeping/napping as a point of distraction from not becoming self directive in all things in my life
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to define sleeping as something positive as in the hopes of dreaming - defining the vivid dreaming I have experienced in naps as something that is cool and I look forward to and so I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to prefer the movie in my mind as a form of entertainment more than actual Life and living - revealing I've never realized what is actually means to Live and have instead submitted to be a slave that sits back and 'watches the show' instead of becoming an active participant within this world
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to define and thus create a negative relationship towards certain responsibilities within my days where I will end up wanting to avoid and resist actually walking through them/applying myself within them and getting things done and so instead choose to create a polarity relationship in search of a positive feeling which I then to turn to napping as to not have to face the negative relationship I've created towards certain things during my day
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to use sleeping/napping as an alternative to not have to face the negative experience/relationship I've created to certain parts of my day/certain responsibilities and thus use sleeping/napping as a temporary solution yet is obviously not a real solution as it only prolongs the inevitable which is I will have to get done/complete what i'm responsible for and so I've accepted and allowed myself to put off standing responsible for things within my day with naps realizing it's not a real solution and only adds more time to the time-frame in which it will take to get things done and so here I realize the simple, preventative solution is to simply DO THE WORK and not accept anything less of myself as I see/realize/understand that these naps are not self supportive but only self interest in feeding the wants of the mind instead of what is practically necessary to get done in my days
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to exist as the statement throughout my life of, "I sleep to dream", revealing here that I've come to value the mind more than real life and thus only exposes the real nature of me as I seem to be too preoccupied in entertaining myself within dreams instead of living for real, doing what is best to create a world that is best for all and thus no longer requiring a point of escape
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not investigate the reactions as resistance I have towards certain responsibilities within my life and instead turn to napping
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use napping in a self destructive way that does not support me within life or living but only supports me as a mind as a program that is conditioned to 'want' to nap whenever there arise a resistance within my day
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to condition myself to nap instead of directing myself through moments of resistance
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to utilize the tools to become/stand self directive as moving myself through resistance and wants that I see and realize only support a pattern I've created to hide out and not face/take responsibility for myself and what is necessary or even possible to be done in a day
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think I cannot stop the pattern of napping as I have accepted and allowed myself to condition myself enough so that it is an automatic option that arise within me when I face a moment of resistance or an opportunity to direct myself to make a decision of how to best utilize my time during the day and thus not slow myself down enough to see the justifications and excuses I have and am using in allowing myself to not move myself through a resistance
When and as I see myself resisting moving myself/directing myself through a particular moment as a resistance to continuing my day and the responsibilities I have and 'think' I would like to nap instead, I stop and I breathe and I slow myself down in this moment to bring myself back to the awareness of me here and the realization that this is a pattern/moment I must stand and walk through in no longer accepting and allowing myself to give into resistance as another distraction I've allowed to preoccupy myself and my time and my days with. giving into a pattern I've created to hide out and escape from myself, my reality and thus not really giving myself an opportunity to live and actively participate with all the moments I have in a day and so here I commit myself to slow myself down the moment I see myself come to the CONclusion I will take a nap, I breathe in releasing the energy as the want/desire to run away from what I am resisting and instead decide to breathe and not give in and to move myself physically as a physical action of changing myself in that moment in not going into the pattern of a nap
I see/realize/understand that every time I accept the 'want' to nap I am
I commit myself to change my relationship towards napping from a distraction to physical support for/as my physical body
I commit myself to use self forgiveness if/when faced with a moment of 'wanting' to nap that seems to be too strong to stop in one moment and so use the tool to release myself from the energy as the pull to make a decision I see no longer is best for me
I commit myself to investigate the negative relationships I have created towards certain responsibilities within my day where I come face to face with the want to nap as the positive feeling/experience I seek to not have to face me
I commit myself to no longer allowing myself to exist automatically as a decision to nap when I 'think' I am tired or there is nothing to do
I commit myself to realize the opportunities I have within each moment of my days and as such, each breath I breathe and to take full advantage of what i have here and the potential within me that i can support myself to express when I push through and change patterns I exist within and throughout my day that i see no longer serve me or what is best for all/me
Featured Artwork By: Jl Kenney
The Journey to Lifers
Equal Life Foundation
Living Income Guaranteed
Take Responsibility for what is HERE as this world, within AND without:
DIP Lite Course (FREE)
Eqafe (Self Perfection music, books, audio, etc)
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to create a relationship towards sleeping/napping that is a point of distraction within my life
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to use sleeping/napping as a way in which to avoid, hide out, run away and essentially, not take responsibility for myself in this Life and in this World and simply, each of my days
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to use sleeping/napping as a point of distraction from not becoming self directive in all things in my life
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to define sleeping as something positive as in the hopes of dreaming - defining the vivid dreaming I have experienced in naps as something that is cool and I look forward to and so I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to prefer the movie in my mind as a form of entertainment more than actual Life and living - revealing I've never realized what is actually means to Live and have instead submitted to be a slave that sits back and 'watches the show' instead of becoming an active participant within this world
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to define and thus create a negative relationship towards certain responsibilities within my days where I will end up wanting to avoid and resist actually walking through them/applying myself within them and getting things done and so instead choose to create a polarity relationship in search of a positive feeling which I then to turn to napping as to not have to face the negative relationship I've created towards certain things during my day
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to use sleeping/napping as an alternative to not have to face the negative experience/relationship I've created to certain parts of my day/certain responsibilities and thus use sleeping/napping as a temporary solution yet is obviously not a real solution as it only prolongs the inevitable which is I will have to get done/complete what i'm responsible for and so I've accepted and allowed myself to put off standing responsible for things within my day with naps realizing it's not a real solution and only adds more time to the time-frame in which it will take to get things done and so here I realize the simple, preventative solution is to simply DO THE WORK and not accept anything less of myself as I see/realize/understand that these naps are not self supportive but only self interest in feeding the wants of the mind instead of what is practically necessary to get done in my days
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to exist as the statement throughout my life of, "I sleep to dream", revealing here that I've come to value the mind more than real life and thus only exposes the real nature of me as I seem to be too preoccupied in entertaining myself within dreams instead of living for real, doing what is best to create a world that is best for all and thus no longer requiring a point of escape
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not investigate the reactions as resistance I have towards certain responsibilities within my life and instead turn to napping
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use napping in a self destructive way that does not support me within life or living but only supports me as a mind as a program that is conditioned to 'want' to nap whenever there arise a resistance within my day
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to condition myself to nap instead of directing myself through moments of resistance
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to utilize the tools to become/stand self directive as moving myself through resistance and wants that I see and realize only support a pattern I've created to hide out and not face/take responsibility for myself and what is necessary or even possible to be done in a day
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think I cannot stop the pattern of napping as I have accepted and allowed myself to condition myself enough so that it is an automatic option that arise within me when I face a moment of resistance or an opportunity to direct myself to make a decision of how to best utilize my time during the day and thus not slow myself down enough to see the justifications and excuses I have and am using in allowing myself to not move myself through a resistance
When and as I see myself resisting moving myself/directing myself through a particular moment as a resistance to continuing my day and the responsibilities I have and 'think' I would like to nap instead, I stop and I breathe and I slow myself down in this moment to bring myself back to the awareness of me here and the realization that this is a pattern/moment I must stand and walk through in no longer accepting and allowing myself to give into resistance as another distraction I've allowed to preoccupy myself and my time and my days with. giving into a pattern I've created to hide out and escape from myself, my reality and thus not really giving myself an opportunity to live and actively participate with all the moments I have in a day and so here I commit myself to slow myself down the moment I see myself come to the CONclusion I will take a nap, I breathe in releasing the energy as the want/desire to run away from what I am resisting and instead decide to breathe and not give in and to move myself physically as a physical action of changing myself in that moment in not going into the pattern of a nap
I see/realize/understand that every time I accept the 'want' to nap I am
I commit myself to change my relationship towards napping from a distraction to physical support for/as my physical body
I commit myself to use self forgiveness if/when faced with a moment of 'wanting' to nap that seems to be too strong to stop in one moment and so use the tool to release myself from the energy as the pull to make a decision I see no longer is best for me
I commit myself to investigate the negative relationships I have created towards certain responsibilities within my day where I come face to face with the want to nap as the positive feeling/experience I seek to not have to face me
I commit myself to no longer allowing myself to exist automatically as a decision to nap when I 'think' I am tired or there is nothing to do
I commit myself to realize the opportunities I have within each moment of my days and as such, each breath I breathe and to take full advantage of what i have here and the potential within me that i can support myself to express when I push through and change patterns I exist within and throughout my day that i see no longer serve me or what is best for all/me
Featured Artwork By: Jl Kenney
The Journey to Lifers
Equal Life Foundation
Living Income Guaranteed
Take Responsibility for what is HERE as this world, within AND without:
DIP Lite Course (FREE)
Eqafe (Self Perfection music, books, audio, etc)
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