105 - Comparisons instead of Support

A point of comparing myself to others

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compare myself, within my Life and my process, to others walking the same process/Journey to Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within comparing myself, my life and my process of self realizations to others walking the same process, judge myself as inferior and less then them

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within comparing myself to others walking the journey to life, accept myself through self judgment as inferior and within this limit myself within my own process in separating myself from others, instead of utilizing the support others here as me are walking/sharing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to within my self judgments of myself within my process as comparing myself to others as being inferior/less effective, use as an excuse to not change myself, wherein I then accept the back chat that “I am not good enough, I am not capable” and thus accept this within myself in not applying myself to push through the self abuse and no longer accept this within and as me

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to within accepting the comparisons allowed within myself and the self judgment of being 'inferior' to others, not realize that I create the opposite desire within me and thus exert my 'superiority' on others, in attempting to equalize myself within the experience of myself and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within polarity, as inequality within the desire to be superior within the starting point of inferiority

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to expect my life and my process to be a certain way as I read others journey to life, within this holding expectations of myself that my process ‘should be’ the same as others, within this, not allowing myself to actually, practically, physically walk my journey to life, in investigating myself and instead expecting my process to be the same as others

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge and compare myself to others walking the journey to life because I do not always relate or have similar experiences or self realizations and so within this believing there is something wrong with me and my process, and judge myself as not effective enough – instead of realizing that within this, I am only diminishing myself within my process, of what I am in fact walking, as I am sidetracking myself within limiting myself as ‘having to be’ like others, instead of allowing who I am here to be here, and to allow myself to see and investigate it unconditionally without expecting me to ‘be’ a certain way

I forgive myself for accepting and allowed myself to always judge and compare myself to others within process, instead of allowing myself to simple WALK my process, realizing that focusing on what I have not changed, diminishes me without realizing what I have changed, and that is HAS been a process and will continue to be/take a process to actually change myself and so I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to be gentle with myself in allowing myself to walk slowly but surely, breath by breath, seeing layer upon layer I have created as the “me” of the mind, and not create more layers through judgment and comparisons.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from others here walking the journey to life within comparisons, wherein I see me as inferior, and “them” as superior instead of realizing this is not equality, this is inequality and the reason I am walking this journey to life. To realize all life is equal and all life is equally valuable and thus I forgive myself that I have not yet stopped all comparisons as separation within me and realizing/see/live the equal value that all here in fact are

When and as I see myself comparing myself to others within the journey to life, within expecting my process and experience to be the same as theirs, I stop and I breathe and I bring myself back to myself, in stopping the distraction of focusing on ‘them’ and getting back to me here within realizing all are equal and one and within comparison and judgments is an acceptance of separation and inequality and thus I commit myself to stop inequality and separation within and as me within stopping my comparisons and judgments within myself to/towards others

I commit myself to realize all are equal and one as life here as physical substance

I commit myself to realize that walking the journey to life is not about comparisons or who is better or worse, but is about exposing this nature of acceptance and allowance wherein one is better or worse, and to forgive it and no longer allow it within or without as it breeds abuse in existence

I commit myself to stop comparing myself to others walking the journey to life

I commit myself to stop judging myself within my journey to life

I commit myself to stop expecting from myself what I see in others within comparisons, and use others as support as an example of how to walk the process and journey to life, without separation or judgments, but as equal and one support

I commit myself to realize that self judgment is an abdication of self responsibility and a waste of time

I commit myself to realize that to accept myself as inferior is to allow myself to exist within fear

I commit myself to stop living in fear

I commit myself to walk my journey to life, investigating, exposing and getting to know who I am within and without to stop all the abuse that is existent to no longer accept inequality and separation within me equally as one no longer accepting and allowing it within/as life as this physical reality/existence

Featured Artwork By: Rozelle de Lange

Journey to Lifers

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