Stop giving yourself the Excuse, "Nobody is Perfect"

There is this saying I have heard my whole life. "Nobody is perfect" And this statement is usually spoken wherein someone makes a mistake. Or becomes emotional, or does something they regret or are reactive to/towards. It's like, shit, I fucked this up, but it's ok, nobody is perfect. It's this acceptance that, nope, we are not perfect. We are flawed. And we accept that of ourselves. We don't believe we can stop accepting such a self limitation. Because really, it is self defeat. It says, I am not perfect. I was made imperfect. Therefore I have this statement to blame or to 'give up' my self responsibility for my thoughts, words and deeds. Simply, because "Nobody is perfect" If no one is perfect, then I don't have to be perfect. I can exist like everyone else. I can accept imperfection within this World. The environment is being destroyed by humans for profit and power? Well, "Nobody is Perfect" The child got sold into child prostitution by her father because they need money for the rest of the family" Well, "Nobody is Perfect" I have thoughts of spite and anger and rage towards others? Well, "Nobody is Perfect" Well look again. Every BODY is Perfect, as it is that which gives Life. Sustains Life. Gives you the air you breathe so that you may exist here. Not why do we not live Equal and Stand UP to be that which is Perfect. This is just one statement/beleifs within the Mind's of Humanity, another reason we give ourselves to not look at who we are in this World. "Nobody is Perfect, therefore I will accept this World the way it is" This is unacceptable and is blind ignorance. It is lack of self awareness, because if we realized who we are as the body of Humanity, we would not allow parts of ourselves to suffer. We would not accept anything less then perfect from ourcells. Every Cell in our Bodies and every Self in the Body of Earth, would take responsibility for themselves, within what they accept and allow - and we would exist within heaven on Earth. Why do we accept less then ourselves? Because we have accepted this statement to be true. We see ourselves as inferior, less then and imperfect. Well we are not. And I do not accept this of myself. As long as I am breathing here, I am changing who I have accepted myself to be. Within my mind and Body and actions. I do this through writing, facing who I am within my mInd. Through Self hOnesty, realizing the Thoughts I have the the beliefs I've carried and the limited perception of this World is no longer acceptable. So through breathing and walking, I face this and change myself. To make sure I accept only Self Perfection. Wholeness. Equality and Oneness. THis is what is BEst for Me. Being the Best "I am " that is Best for all.


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