Day 3

Day 3

What I know - it what I think about others.. is a reflection of me.

What I know - what I assume of others - is a reflection of me.

What I know - what I fear in others - is a reflection of me.

What i see is a reflection of me. What I judge is a reflection of me. What I think about is a reflection of me. What I care about is a reflection of me. Simple. A Reflection showing me every moment who I am - and what I allow within myself. My responsibility.

Because it's me who perceives what which I see. Therefore who is the Creator? And who creates what is seen? Me.

Sometimes I don't believe myself. Like now.. as I wrote the above - the voice in my head said, "your full of it".

The above writings where here - an expression of myself, in self trust to just write. No plan or preparation - just typing. So why judge? Because I went into my mind about how others who read this - and what they would think about it - and then judged myself for not being more self honest - and judged myself for simply expression.

I stop this.

I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as expression
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear myself in the moment of writing
I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to believe I need a plan or a topic to simply write
I forgive myself that i haven't yet allowed myself to unconditionally express myself here as writing
I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to fear how others perceive my writings instead of realizing it is only me not taking responsibility for myself and my own self judgments so I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself here in writing
I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to believe I need a topic to write about before I write
I forgive myself that i Have accepted and allowed myself to believe self expression is something I plan
I forgive myself that i haven't yet allowed myself to express myself in every moments as who I really am, trusting that I am here and expressing as life
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself within my mind believe this voice is real and therefore causing a movement of limitation and censorship
I forgive myself that i Have accepted an allowed myself to judge myself as self forgiveness
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fear who I am as expression

I allow myself to trust myself in writings.
I allow myself to tryst myself as self forgiveness
I allow myself to move myself as expression without judgments

I trust myself to be here.


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