416: Get Comfortable with the Uncomfortable Experience

Continuing on with the self-limitation shared in my previous blog, here are the corrective and commitment statements from the self-forgiveness shared in yesterday's blog. For more context, check out the series so far:

414: Hiding Out in a Limitation
415: The Belief about Self behind a Limitation

When and as I see myself fearing standing at the high traffic computers at work, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this is based within an idea that the more people I will deal with, the more potential there is for conflict. I commit myself to not participate in this fear, based on an idea and instead work with my physical environment, as my physical surroundings, my body, and my breathing.

When and as I see myself resisting to stand in a position where I will more likely interact with more people, such as the high traffic computer stations at work, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this fear is simply a resistance I’ve created to making a mistake or where I may have conflict with others. I commit myself to not participate in the fear, or the resistance, and instead realize the resistance and the fear support me in where I can place myself to expand myself and so I commit myself to rather than fearing this, to embrace this and go for it as actually standing at the computer stations where I will more likely deal with more people, and thus face and walk through this fear and resistance.

When and as I see myself within a want to stand at a particular computer station that I was told has less traffic of people, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this want is actually based within a fear, as well as an idea that if I were to stand at that station, then I will have less opportunity to work with people, and thus less potential of making a mistake or facing conflict with others. I commit myself to not trust any want that may come up, and instead be self honest about the starting point of the want, as it may be within fear, which does not support me if I were to allow myself to move from it, as it validates the fear. I commit myself to rather breathe and clear myself of the want as the fear as the starting point, and instead make a practical decision based on self-support and that which will actually expand and develop my skills and experiences.

When and as I see myself fear making a mistake at work, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this fear to make a mistake is actually a belief that I will then be defined as a failure. I commit myself to let go of the idea that to make a mistake is to fail and to rather see the opportunity of making a mistake as simply that, a miss-take, wherein I learn how to do things differently, the potential outcomes of different situations, and how to best direct myself in any given circumstance. I commit myself to embrace the mistakes as learning lessons for myself in my journey to life.

When and as I see myself automatically running within a fear away from doing something I perceive to be a challenge, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that it’s automated for me to run from that which I believe to be a challenge because it’s something I’ve always accepted and allowed of myself, and it will take equally as much action to reverse the habit to no longer allow myself to think I am unable to face a challenge or move through that which I believe may be difficult. I commit myself to embrace the difficulty and the challenges as being opportunities for me to grow and expand, learn and to give as much time, attention, and corrective action to creating new habits that actually support me instead of keeping me within a fear

When and as I see myself wanting to stay at the computer station at work with less guest traffic, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that another aspect of this want is based within a fear of others judging me if I were to make a mistake. I commit myself to stop allowing the fear of how others may see me, influence me, and instead focus on myself, and my own development and how I am able to practically change and develop myself, which is to put myself in those situations that allow for more opportunity of experience at my work – standing at the higher traffic work station, putting myself into the game if you will – facing the situations that may arise and learning how to direct myself and the situation equally… removing ‘other people and what they think of me’ out of the equation and instead making my change of most value and importance

When and as I see myself wanting to stay in my comfort zone as the fear of facing difficulty or conflict, or making mistakes, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this comfort zone is simply a space in which I believe I can’t, and don’t want to move beyond, yet it is a limitation and restriction I’ve set up within myself, with imaginary boundaries and so I commit myself to set myself free from my own self-created enslavement and instead put myself into the situation where I will get the direct experience, and so knowledge and understanding of situations that will better prepare me for a wide array of situations and challenges. I commit myself to realizing that if I don’t move beyond my comfort zone, I will always stay the same.

When and as I see myself fearing or resisting situations that I define as difficult or challenging or that may create conflict with others, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that this limitation is actually based on a belief about myself that I’m not capable or able to direct myself and so I end up opting to stay ‘in my place’ as the comfort zone that shields me from any experience that I may fear. I commit myself to realizing this belief implies I cannot change, and will not change and that in allowing this fear, I am validating this self-belief. I commit myself to let go of this self belief as a self-limitation and instead decide for ME what I will do, who I will be, how I will experience myself and so how I will work

When and as I see myself fearing others getting upset with me as a future projection of possible scenarios at work, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize, and understand that within this projection, I’ve already reacted and taken it personally and so my starting point of fear is directing me within my working situation. I commit myself to let go of the projections and the fears and instead work breath by breath, moment by moment, directing myself as each point comes up rather than in a future image within my mind that does not actually exist or has not actually played out in reality.

I commit myself to stand at the higher traffic computer stations at work as making the directive decision within myself to move beyond my self-created fears and limitations, to no longer accept and allow a fear of conflict, making a mistake, and what others may think of me determine who I am or how I experience myself and instead stand up within myself and practice the art of self-directive living, wherein I become self directive principle of myself in every moment, as every breath, working with the physical and no more allowing my mental realm as the mind determine where or how I exist. 

No more comfort zone, time to get uncomfortable as stepping out into the unknown and expanding self into a new potential.

Featured Artwork By: Matti Freeman

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