539: Who are You in Your Expectation of Others?

A couple months ago we got a ton of snow in our area, and left our vehicles buried, with us requiring to shovel them out. There are four of us living in our house, using the driveway, and when only my partner and I were shoveling it out, I went into some reactions about the other two who also use the driveway. For me it revealed expectations I have towards others, that I don't necessarily live myself. And wanting others to 'follow the rules' as per some law or guidelines, instead of giving more value to the principles in which we guide ourselves , as individuals, instead of needing something external to 'show us the way'. Definitely things to reflect on for myself - taking the reaction back to myself in seeing the real issue I have was ME, not anyone else. If each can stand within such a position, taking responsibility for THEMSELVES - man, what a world that would be. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to always look at others to bl...