377: What to Realize When your Mind Seems More Active
Continuing on the series I am walking currently with the Atlantean Interivews in relation to Giving up, specifically the second interview in this series, " Giving Up: Understanding " - there was a second part I wanted to touch on in this blog. The first part was in relation to the trust and belief we place into our minds/our thoughts/how we speak internally to ourselves (back chats) and you can see the self-forgiveness process I walked in relation to that specific point in my previous blog . Here though a point I would like to discuss, which was mentioned in this second interview from the Atlanteans is in relation to the tsunami that we can experience within our minds when facing specific points. First - an example for context: When I first started investigating Desteni and the tools of breathing, writing, self forgiveness and self-corrective application I found, not to long after applying these tools, a flood of reactions coming up within my mind. I noticed just ...