132 - Fear Put me in my Place
Putting on pause the previous blog series so that I can have a look at an experience I had today within myself. Last night I posted a picture on Facebook of victims of vivisection, cats specifically. If you don't know what vivisection is, see here . It was a graphic picture of many cats that looked abused and tortured. Why would I share such a picture? Because it is here in our world, it is happening everyday; innocent animals being abused for the sake of human's greed and desire for profit. This is our reality - so why are we not seeing it? Why are we not taking responsibility and sorting it out? These are not images or news stories we hear much about, no no no, we would rather look at pretty pictures that make us happy, feeling good, following the latest celebrity gossip to keep us busy and entertained; anything that makes us uncomfortable or have to face the truth of our world (which is not pretty) is something we would rather not see. "Keep me in my bubble of ...