We don't need God when there is Equality
Why do we believe in God? In a form 'higher then ourselves'? A power greater then us? All people believe in some from of greater being. Why? Why do we allow this? Is it Hope that theres something better for us - that this LIfe is just temporary - it's not real, that the real life is with god in the 'afterlife'? Why do we accept this belief? This lie that we make up in our minds. Maybe if we lived in a world where there was no need to survive, all was given for LIfe - such as food and water and shelter. If we lived in a System that supported EveryONE to be Here equally - where it didn't matter where you are from or how much money you have or dont have. The simple fact that You are HERE - gives you a right to LIFE. To live. To be provided for. If we lived in such a world - we would not need a belief in a god - of something greater - of a mystery we are trying to solve... wiating to see who is right and just holding on till we find out. We would be LIV...