109- Stand in the Shoes of another to Make Decisions

A point of ‘keeping my options open’ within not making a decision and thus not considering others in my actions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in two scenarios wherein I believe in both I will win and thus keep both ‘options open’ for me within my own self interest and within this not considering all involved and only considering myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to hold onto two points in my world wherein I believe if one option does not work out I can go for the other options and within this sitting on the fence, not making a decision and only considering my self interest of how I feel, wanting to win within wanting to have ‘either or’ option, wherein if one point does not work out then I will still have the other option at my disposal – within this revealing the deceit and manipulation as I attempt to play the game for me to win, not considering others involved and who they are and their position – thus abdicating myself from the responsibility of standing in the shoes of another, asking if I would like this done unto me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not stand in the shoes of another within any and all situations and events in my life and thus ensuring I am always giving as I would receive

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within greed in not making decisions in my life within facing two options and within wanting to hold onto both

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept the nature of ‘looking out for myself’ when faced with two options of either or and within this not wanting to make the decision and walk the decision within and as commitment, but to instead attempt to hold onto both options as a means to come out ahead, on top and as the winner within the fear of not having either options – and within this realizing that I am attempting to own/possess these 2 points as if they are ‘mine to keep’ and so within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define others in my reality as my property in which I can own and possess and that belong to me and in that fear losing them and so decide to hold onto both points in attempt to feel safe and secure within my position

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself according to these two options in my reality and within this thus fear losing them as if I am losing myself, as if I am dependent on them

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I need either one of these two points in my life wherein I believe I have to hold onto ‘either or’ and not wanting to choose one or the other in fear of it not working out and thus attempt to hold onto both within fear of loss and self interest

When and as I see myself contemplating two options within my world and wanting/desiring to hold onto both points within the starting point of fear and self interest, I stop and I breathe and I allow myself to let go in realizing that I would not like this done unto me and thus I stand in the shoes of others and decide to give as I would like to receive and thus I commit myself to in such moments investigate within myself what is best for all, what is best for me, what is practical in physical reality and from there make the decision within self honesty and not within self interest and desire in an attempt to win or ‘feel safe’, but too instead consider what would be best for me and all involved and what is practically possible in physical reality and to walk and live that commitment through letting go of thoughts about an option I let go of, and instead breathe and remain focused on the decision I did make and not let myself wonder into my mind as imagination of ‘what could have been’

I commit myself to stand in the shoes of others and always ask ‘what would I have done unto me’ to ensure I am always standing within/as equality – only giving/living that which I would like to receive and thus trusting myself with the responsibility to care for myself and others as life

I commit myself to stop sitting on the fence when faced with decisions and to instead investigate within myself what would be best, for me and for all, within self honesty introspection and not allowing self interest, desire or fear motivate or move me to make a decision either way

I commit myself to stop the possession/ownership I believe I have over others

I commit myself to stop participating in imaginations in my mind as options and fantasies of ‘what could be’, and instead focus on the physical reality and what is practically possible to ensure I am always living for real, within the consideration of what is real, and no longer allowing self interest, fear, and desire be my guide

I commit myself to becoming the directive principle within making decision within/as the starting point of equality and oneness, standing equal and one with others to give as I would like to receive and to live this in reality through investigating myself within writing, self honesty, self forgiveness and self corrective statements, to ensure I am always facing/removing/correcting that which is me of self interest where I attempt to posses/own/hold onto something that is not mine and attempt to ‘win’ through fear of losing

I commit myself to walk the journey to life, to face all parts of me that exist within me, within/as my mind, within the very nature of myself that I have accepted and defined as ‘who I am’ to keep only that which is good/best for all and remove all parts that exist within separation as self interest, desire, fear, greed and abdication of self responsibility for who I am here, equal and one with/as all life

Featured Artwork By: Jessica Arias

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